Line is a mark on a surface that describes a shape or outline. It can create texture and can be thick and thin. Types of line can include, actual, implied, vertical, vertical, horizontal, diagonal, and contour lines.

The lines can also be leading lines, which can be any subject, or series of subjects that create a line that draws the audience’s attention to the subject of the frame.

This is done well in symmetrical photos.

Examples of Lines in paintings and images:

“The School of Athens” is a Fresco by Raphael. The painting depicts a gathering of philosophers, mathematicians, and scientists form Ancient Greece. There is an emphasis on Plato and Aristotle, using leading lines in the composition that create depth in the image.



In “The Starry Night” Van Gogh uses broad strokes of thick colors to convey information. The strokes are small lines that create a texture within the painting.

Wes Anderson uses symmetrical lines to put his characters on a frame.



Stanley Kubrick uses the same perspective techniques used in The School of Athens painting to create depth in the hallway. It also creates a distance between the boy Danny and the two ghosts.